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Lesson Plan: Writing a Letter to Grandfather in English

Grade Level: High School
Duration: 2 hours
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a formal letter to their grandfather in English.

1. Whiteboard and markers
2. Handout with sample letter
3. Computer with internet access
4. Copy of the sample letter for each student
5. Pens and notebooks for students

Introduction (10 minutes)
1. Begin the class by asking students if they have any siblings or grandparents who live far away. If so, ask them to share their experiences and feelings about having a loved one who lives far away.
2. Introduce the purpose of the lesson: to teach students how to write a formal letter to their grandfather in English.
3. Explain that a formal letter should have a clear structure, including an introduction, body, and conclusion.
4. Mention that formal letters should also include proper greetings, closings, and thank-you's.

Writing Prompt (15 minutes)
1. Display the handout with a sample letter on the whiteboard.
2. Ask students to read the letter and identify the parts of the letter (introduction, body, conclusion).
3. Write the following prompt on the whiteboard: "Imagine you are writing a letter to your grandfather who lives in another country. How would you start your letter? What would you like to say to him? What would you like to ask him?"
4. Encourage students to brainstorm ideas for their own letter using the sample letter as inspiration.

Writing Activity (30 minutes)
1. Distribute copies of the sample letter to each student.
2. Instruct students to work alone or with a partner to draft their own letter to their grandfather. They should follow the structure outlined in the prompt and use the sample letter as a reference.
3. Once students have finished writing their letters, ask them to exchange their papers with a partner for peer editing and feedback. Encourage them to focus on grammar, spelling, and clarity.
4. Allow time for students to revise their letters based on the feedback from their partners.

Closure (10 minutes)
1. Have a few students share their edited letters with the class. Ask them to read their letters out loud and explain why they chose certain words or phrases.
2. Discuss the importance of maintaining relationships with family members, even if they live far away. Encourage students to write more letters to their grandparents in the future.
3. Thank students for their participation and remind them of the importance of communication in maintaining relationships.

- Assess students' ability to write a formal letter to their grandfather in English by reviewing their completed assignments.
- Evaluate their use of proper greetings, closings, and thank-you's, as well as their grammar, spelling, and clarity.

