
用英语设计关于healthy diet 的书信格式的教学设计

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Lesson Plan: Designing a Healthy Diet Letter in English

Grade Level: High School
Duration: 2 hours
Topic: Designing a Healthy Diet Letter in English

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to design and write a healthy diet letter in English. They will also be able to explain the importance of a balanced diet and provide tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

- Whiteboard or blackboard
- Markers or chalk
- Handout with sample healthy diet letter
- Computer with internet access
- Printer
- Paper for students to practice writing their letters


1. Introduction (10 minutes)
- Begin by reviewing the vocabulary words from the handout (e.g. balanced, portions, fruits/vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, etc.).
- Ask students if they have ever received a letter about maintaining a healthy diet and why it might be important.
- Introduce the topic of designing a healthy diet letter in English.

2. Brainstorming (15 minutes)
- Divide students into groups of four to five.
- Give each group a copy of the sample healthy diet letter as a reference.
- Ask students to discuss and brainstorm ideas for what they would include in their own healthy diet letter. Some suggestions might include:
- Discussing the benefits of eating a balanced diet (e.g. maintaining a healthy weight, improving mood, increasing energy levels)
- Mentioning the importance of eating different types of foods (e.g. fruits/vegetables, whole grains, lean protein) in appropriate portions
- Providing tips for incorporating healthy foods into daily meals (e.g. packing a salad for lunch, snacking on fruit instead of junk food)
- Encouraging readers to drink plenty of water and limit sugary drinks
- Have each group share their ideas with the class.

3. Writing the Letter (45 minutes)
- Remind students that their letter should be written in an informative and persuasive tone.
- Give students time to write their own healthy diet letter based on their brainstorming ideas. Make sure they include all the necessary components (e.g. introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion).
- Once students have finished writing, have them exchange papers with a partner to proofread and edit each other's work.
- If time allows, teachers can also review some of the samples submitted by students to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

4. Presentation (15 minutes)
- Select two or three students to present their healthy diet letters to the class.
- Ask questions about the content and structure of their letters to encourage critical thinking and analysis.
- Encourage other students to ask questions or offer feedback on the presentations.

5. Conclusion (5 minutes)
- Recap the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and providing tips for achieving it.
- Thank students for their participation and contribution to the lesson.
- Assign homework: Have students write another letter, this time explaining how they plan to implement the tips and advice provided in their healthy diet letter in their own lives.

