
My teacher 教学目标

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My teacher 教学目标(精选2篇)

My teacher 教学目标 篇1


  词汇:l.burst into laughter 2.look back upon 3.born作形容词,表示“天生的” 4.Simple-minded 5.bring… into touch with(这里的into可以与in互换) 6.human beings 7.pity sb. 8.once作连词的用法 9.be struck by… 10.never…until… 11.keep on doing(sth.)与keep doing(sth.) 12.No matter +关系代词/关系副词的用法 13.Owe… to… 14.vote for 15.in praise of


  日常交际用语:l.I wonder if I could…

  2.Would/Do you mind if I …?

  3.Go ahead.

  4.You’d better not.

  5.Of course./Yes./Sure./Certainly.




  1.born(adj.) 相当于destined to be, 意为天生的,生来的,在句中可作定语和表语。如:

  George was a born leader. 乔治是天生的领袖。

  No one is a born slave. 没有人生来就是奴隶。

  All men are born the same, and equal. 所有人出生时都是一样的,都是平等的。


  We were struck by the professor’s speech.教授的演讲给我们留下深刻印象。

  Everyone was struck with its beauty.它的美丽给大家留下深刻印象。

  How does the plan strike you?你对计划的印象如何?

  3.短语动词get back相当于return to a former condition,or to a point formerly reached,意为恢复,回复到。如:

  He has got his strength back after his illness.他病后体力已经恢复了。

  The student was glad to get back to his books after a vacation that had seemed too long.在似乎过于漫长的假期后学生乐于回到书本上来。

  get back还可作“回来”(come back),“后退”(move backwards or away),“收回”(gain)解。如:

  I never lend books; it’s difficult to get them back.我从不把书借出,很难讨回书。

  Get back! The roof is falling!往后退!屋顶要塌了!

  He has just got back from his long journey.他长途旅行后已回来。


  This was a demanding job, but he didn’t refuse it.这是一件费事的工作,但他并未拒绝。

  We have to look after the demanding boy.我们不得不照顾那个难对付的孩子。

  5.owe(v.)原作“欠钱”,“欠债”解,引申作“欠情”,“感恩”,“感激”,“归功于”解。owe  sth.to sb.这一结构表示欠某人某物。如:

  I own 50 dollars to him. (=I owed him 50 dollars. )  我欠他50美元。

  We own a great deal to our parents and teachers.我们应对父母和老师感恩戴德。

  I own my knowledge of English to my father. (=I own thanks to my father for the knowledge of English.)我的英语知识是父亲教给我的。

  6.短语动词keep on + v-ing相当于continue + to-v/v-ing意为“继续”,“不顾困难而坚持下去或坚持做某事”。如:

  Although it started raining, they kept on working.虽然开始下雨了,他们仍继续坚持工作。

  The teacher kept on asking the students questions until the bell rang.老师不断向学生提问,直到铃响。

  keep doing sth.和keep on doing sth.意义及用法相同,但后者更强调决心和重要性。如:

  He kept coughing all morning.他整个上午不停地咳嗽。

  He kept on phoning me, but I really didn’t want to talk to him.他不断给我打电话,但我实在不想和他说话。

  keep或keep on后跟表示动作的-ing形式,不可接动词不定式或表示静止状态的-ing形式,不能说He kept on to talk. 也不能说They kept on sitting.

  7.as well as意为和,同;不但……而且。如果主语是单数,后面有as well as引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数。如:

  On Sundays, his landlady provided dinners as well as breakfast.星期日,房东供应他正餐和早餐。

  Lily as well as Lucy was at home.莉莉和露西都在家里。

  as well as还可作“不但……而且”解,相当于not only…but also,但前者强调句子重心在as well as前,后者强调重心在but also后。如:


